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Header Left Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes Breakdown Header Right

Below are the 2 digit SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes that we use to select the types of business that you require to build your desired mailing lists. The table consists of SIC Code & Business Catagory.

If you wish to make a more targeted mailing list, simply click a catagory below to see the sub catagories available. You will now see the 5 digit SIC code & Sub Catagory. Mix and match your chosen SIC's to create your ideal mailing list.

01 Agriculture and Hunting
02 Forestry and Logging Services
05 Forestry and Fish Hatcheries
10 Mining of Coal
11 Extract Crude Petroleum and Gas
13 Mining of Metal Ores
14 Other Mining and Quarrying
15 Manufacture of Food and Beverages
16 Manufacture of Tobacco Products
17 Manufacture of Textiles
17000 Manufacture of Textiles
17100 Preparation and spinning of textile fibres
17120 Preparation and spinning of woollen-type fibres
17160 Manufacture of sewing threads
17210 Cotton-type weaving
17240 Silk-type weaving
17250 Other textile weaving
17300 Finishing of textiles
17400 Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel
17401 Manufacture of soft furnishings
17402 Manufacture of canvas goods, sacks, etc
17510 Manufacture of carpets and rugs
17512 Manufacture of tufted carpets and rugs
17520 Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine, and netting
17540 Manufacture of other textiles not elsewhere classified
17541 Manufacture of lace
17542 Manufacture of narrow fabrics
17600 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics
17710 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted hosiery
17720 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted pullovers, cardigans and similar articles
18 Manufacture of Wearing Apparel
19 Tanning and Dressing Of Leather
20 Manufacture of Wood and Products of Wood
21 Manufacture of Pulp Paper and Paper Products
22 Publishing and Printing
23 Manufacture of Coke and Refined Petroleum
24 Manufacture of Chemicals and Chemical Products
25 Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products
26 Manufacture of Other Non-Metallic Mineral
27 Manufacture of Basic Metals
28 Manufacture of Fabricated Metal Products
29 Manufacture of Machinery and Equipment
30 Manufacture of Office Machines and Computer
31 Manufacture of Electrial Machinery
32 Manufacture of Television and Line Telephone
33 Manufacture of Medical and Optical Instruments
34 Manufacture of Motor Vehicles and Trailers
35 Manufacture Of Other Transport Equipment
36 Manufacture of Furniture and Manufactureing N.E.C
37 Recycling
40 Electricity Gas Steam and Hot
41 Collect and Distribute Water
45 Construction
50 Sale and Maintenance of Motor Vehicle
51 Wholesalers Trade and Commission
52 Retail Trade
55 Hotels and Restaurants
60 Land Transport
61 Water Transport
62 Air Transport
63 Supporting and Auxiliary Transport
64 Post and Telecommunications
65 Financial Intermediation
66 Insurance and Pension Funding
67 Activities Auxiliary to Finance
70 Real Estate Activities
71 Renting Machinery and Equipment
72 Computer and Related Activities
73 Research and Development
74 Other Business Activity
75 Public Administration
80 Education
85 Health and Social Work
90 Sewage and Refuse Disposal
91 Activities Membership Organisations
92 Recreational Cultural and Sport
93 Other Service Activities
95 Private Households
99 Extra Territorial Organisations and Bodies